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ruby gem for generating XLSX file.

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Conditional formatting is a feature of Excel which allows you to apply a format to a cell or a range of cells based on a certain criteria.

For example the following criteria is used to highlight cells >= 50 in red in the conditional_format.rb example from the distro:

# Write a conditional format over a range.
        type:     'cell',
        criteria: '>=',
        value:    50,
        format:   format1

The output from the above example

conditional_formatting(row, col, { parameter: ‘value’, … } )

The conditional_formatting() method is used to apply formatting based on user defined criteria to an WriteXLSX file.

It can be applied to a single cell or a range of cells. You can pass 3 parameters such as (row, col, {…}) or 5 parameters such as (first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, {…}). You can also use A1 style notation. For example:

worksheet.conditional_formatting(0, 0,       {...})
worksheet.conditional_formatting(0, 0, 4, 1, {...})

# Which are the same as:

worksheet.conditional_formatting('A1',       {...})
worksheet.conditional_formatting('A1:B5',    {...})

See also the note about “Cell notation” for more information.

Using A1 style notation is also possible to specify non-contiguous ranges, separated by a comma. For example:

worksheet.conditional_formatting('A1:D5,A8:D12', {...})

The last parameter in conditional_formatting() must be a hash containing the parameters that describe the type and style of the data validation. The main parameters are:


Other, less commonly used parameters are:


Additional parameters which are used for specific conditional format types are shown in the relevant sections below.


This parameter is passed in a hash to conditional_formatting().

The :type parameter is used to set the type of conditional formatting that you wish to apply. It is always required and it has no default value. Allowable type values and their associated parameters are:

Type            Parameters
====            ==========
cell            criteria

date            criteria

time_period     criteria

text            criteria

average         criteria

duplicate       format

unique          format

top             criteria

bottom          criteria

blanks          format

no_blanks       format

errors          format

no_errors       format

formula         criteria

2_color_scale   min_type

3_color_scale   min_type

data_bar        min_type

icon_set        icon_style

Data bar parameters marked wth (*) are only available in Excel 2010 and later. Files that use these properties can still be opened in Excel 2007 but the data bars will be displayed without them.

type: ‘cell’

This is the most common conditional formatting type. It is used when a format is applied to a cell based on a simple criterion. For example:

        type:     'cell',
        criteria: 'greater than',
        value:    5,
        format:   red_format,

Or, using the between criteria:

        type:     'cell',
        criteria: 'between',
        minimum:  20,
        maximum:  30,
        format:   green_format,

The criteria parameter is used to set the criteria by which the cell data will be evaluated. It has no default value. The most common criteria as applied to { type: 'cell' } are:

'not between'
'equal to'                  |  '=='  |  '='
'not equal to'              |  '!='  |  '<>'
'greater than'              |  '>'
'less than'                 |  '<'
'greater than or equal to'  |  '>='
'less than or equal to'     |  '<='

You can either use Excel’s textual description strings, in the first column above, or the more common symbolic alternatives.

Additional criteria which are specific to other conditional format types are shown in the relevant sections below.


The value is generally used along with the criteria parameter to set the rule by which the cell data will be evaluated.

type:     'cell',
criteria: '>',
value:    5
format:   format,

The value property can also be an cell reference.

type:     'cell',
criteria: '>',
value:    '$C$1',
format:   format,

The format parameter is used to specify the format that will be applied to the cell when the conditional formatting criterion is met. The format is created using the add_format() method in the same way as cell formats:

format = workbook.add_format(bold: 1, italic: 1)

        type:     'cell',
        criteria: '>',
        value:    5
        format:   format,

The conditional format follows the same rules as in Excel: it is superimposed over the existing cell format and not all font and border properties can be modified. Font properties that can’t be modified are font name, font size, superscript and subscript. The border property that cannot be modified is diagonal borders.

Excel specifies some default formats to be used with conditional formatting. You can replicate them using the following WriteXLSX formats:

# Light red fill with dark red text.

format1 = workbook.add_format(
    bg_color: '#FFC7CE',
    color:    '#9C0006',

# Light yellow fill with dark yellow text.

format2 = workbook.add_format(
    bg_color: '#FFEB9C',
    color:    '#9C6500',

# Green fill with dark green text.

format3 = workbook.add_format(
    bg_color: '#C6EFCE',
    color:    '#006100',

The minimum parameter is used to set the lower limiting value when the criteria is either ‘between’ or ‘not between’:

validate: 'integer',
criteria: 'between',
minimum:  1,
maximum:  100,

The maximum parameter is used to set the upper limiting value when the criteria is either ‘between’ or ‘not between’. See the previous example.

type: ‘date’

The date type is the same as the cell type and uses the same criteria and values. However it allows the :value, :minimum and :maximum properties to be specified in the ISO8601 yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss date format which is detailed in the write_date_time() method.

        type:     'date',
        criteria: 'greater than',
        value:    '2011-01-01T',
        format:   format,
type: ‘time_period’

The time_period type is used to specify Excel’s “Dates Occurring” style conditional format.

        type:     'time_period',
        criteria: 'yesterday',
        format:   format,

The period is set in the :criteria and can have one of the following values:

    criteria: 'yesterday',
    criteria: 'today',
    criteria: 'last 7 days',
    criteria: 'last week',
    criteria: 'this week',
    criteria: 'next week',
    criteria: 'last month',
    criteria: 'this month',
    criteria: 'next month'
type: ‘text’

The text type is used to specify Excel’s “Specific Text” style conditional format. It is used to do simple string matching using the :criteria and :value parameters:

        type:     'text',
        criteria: 'containing',
        value:    'foo',
        format:   format,

The :criteria can have one of the following values:

criteria: 'containing',
criteria: 'not containing',
criteria: 'begins with',
criteria: 'ends with',

The :value parameter should be a string or single character.

type: ‘average’

The average type is used to specify Excel’s “Average” style conditional format.

        type:     'average',
        criteria: 'above',
        format:   format,

The type of average for the conditional format range is specified by the :criteria:

criteria: 'above',
criteria: 'below',
criteria: 'equal or above',
criteria: 'equal or below',
criteria: '1 std dev above',
criteria: '1 std dev below',
criteria: '2 std dev above',
criteria: '2 std dev below',
criteria: '3 std dev above',
criteria: '3 std dev below',
type: ‘duplicate’

The duplicate type is used to highlight duplicate cells in a range:

        type:     'duplicate',
        format:   format,
type: ‘unique’

The unique type is used to highlight unique cells in a range:

        type:     'unique',
        format:   format,
type: ‘top’

The top type is used to specify the top n values by number or percentage in a range:

        type:     'top',
        value:    10,
        format:   format,

The :criteria can be used to indicate that a percentage condition is required:

        type:     'top',
        value:    10,
        criteria: '%',
        format:   format,
type: ‘bottom’

The bottom type is used to specify the bottom n values by number or percentage in a range.

It takes the same parameters as top, see above.

type: ‘blanks’

The blanks type is used to highlight blank cells in a range:

        type:     'blanks',
        format:   format,
type: ‘no_blanks’

The no_blanks type is used to highlight non blank cells in a range:

        type:     'no_blanks',
        format:   format,
type: ‘errors’

The errors type is used to highlight error cells in a range:

        type:     'errors',
        format:   format,
type: ‘no_errors’

The no_errors type is used to highlight non error cells in a range:

        type:     'no_errors',
        format:   format,
type: ‘formula’

The formula type is used to specify a conditional format based on a user defined formula:

        type:     'formula',
        criteria: '=$A$1 > 5',
        format:   format,

The formula is specified in the criteria.

type: ‘2_color_scale’

The 2_color_scale type is used to specify Excel’s “2 Color Scale” style conditional format.

        type:  '2_color_scale',

This conditional type can be modified with :min_type, :max_type, :min_value, :max_value, :min_color and :max_color, see below.

type: ‘3_color_scale’

The 3_color_scale type is used to specify Excel’s “3 Color Scale” style conditional format.

        type:  '3_color_scale',

This conditional type can be modified with :min_type, :mid_type, :max_type, :min_value, :mid_value, :max_value, :min_color, :mid_color and :max_color, see below.

type: ‘data_bar’

The data_bar type is used to specify Excel’s “Data Bar” style conditional format.

        type:  'data_bar',

This data bar conditional type can be modified with the following parameters, which are explained in the sections below. These properties were available in the original xlsx file specification used in Excel 2007:


In Excel 2010 additional data bar properties were added such as solid (non-gradient) bars and control over how negative values are displayed. These properties can be set using the following parameters:


Files that use these Excel 2010 properties can still be opened in Excel 2007 but the data bars will be displayed without them.

:min_type, :mid_type, :max_type

The :min_type and :max_type properties are available when the conditional formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The :mid_type is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:

        type:      '2_color_scale',
        min_type:  'percent',
        max_type:  'percent',

The available min/mid/max types are:

min        (for min_type only)
max        (for max_type only)
:min_value, :mid_value, :max_value

The :min_value and :max_value properties are available when the conditional formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The :mid_value is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:

        type:       '2_color_scale',
        min_value:  10,
        max_value:  90,
:min_color, :mid_color, :max_color, :bar_color

The :min_color and :max_color properties are available when the conditional formatting type is 2_color_scale, 3_color_scale or data_bar. The :mid_color is available for 3_color_scale. The properties are used as follows:

        type:      '2_color_scale',
        min_color: "#C5D9F1",
        max_color: "#538ED5",

The color can be specifies as an WriteXLSX color index or, more usefully, as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown above.


The bar_only parameter property displays a bar data but not the data in the cells:

    type:     'data_bar',
    bar_only: 1

The C parameter turns on a solid (non-gradient) fill for data bars:

    type:      'data_bar',
    bar_solid: 1

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_negative_color parameter is used to set the color fill for the negative portion of a data bar.

The color can be specified as an WriteXLSX color index or as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown in the other examples.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_border_color parameter is used to set the border color of a data bar.

The color can be specified as an WriteXLSX color index or as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown in the other examples.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_negative_border_color parameter is used to set the border color of the negative portion of a data bar.

The color can be specified as an WriteXLSX color index or as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown in the other examples.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The C parameter sets the fill color for the negative portion of a data bar to be the same as the fill color for the positive portion of the data bar:

    type:                           'data_bar',
    bar_negative_color_same:        1,
    bar_negative_border_color_same: 1

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_negative_border_color_same parameter sets the border color for the negative portion of a data bar to be the same as the border color for the positive portion of the data bar.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_no_border parameter turns off the border of a data bar.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later, however the default in Excel 2007 is not to have a border.


The bar_direction parameter sets the direction for data bars. This property can be either left for left-to-right or right for right-to-left. If the property isn’t set then Excel will adjust the position automatically based on the context:

    type:          'data_bar',
    bar_direction: 'right'

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_axis_position parameter sets the position within the cells for the axis that is shown in data bars when there are negative values to display. The property can be either middle or none. If the property isn’t set then Excel will position the axis based on the range of positive and negative values.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The bar_axis_color parameter sets the color for the axis that is shown in data bars when there are negative values to display.

The color can be specified as an WriteXLSX color index or as a HTML style RGB hex number, as shown in the other examples.

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The C parameter sets Excel 2010 style data bars even when Excel 2010 specific properties aren't used. This can be used to create consistency across all the data bar formatting in a worksheet:

    type:          'data_bar',
    data_bar_2010: 1

Note, this property is only visible in Excel 2010 and later.


The :stop_if_true parameter, if set to a true value, will enable the “stop if true” feature on the conditional formatting rule, so that subsequent rules are not examined for any cell on which the conditions for this rule are met.


The icon_set type is used to specify a conditional format with a set of icons such as traffic lights or arrows:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:C1',
        type:         'icon_set',
        icon_style:   '3_traffic_lights'

The icon set style is specified by the icon_style parameter. Valid options are:




The criteria, type and value of each icon can be specified using the icon array of hash refs with optional criteria, type and value parameters:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:D1',
        type:         'icon_set',
        icon_style:   '4_red_to_black',
        icons:        [ {criteria: '>',  type: 'number',     value: 90},
                          {criteria: '>=', type: 'percentile', value: 50},
                          {criteria: '>',  type: 'percent',    value: 25}

The icons criteria parameter should be either < >= > or < > >. The default criteria is < >= >.

The icons type parameter should be one of the following values:


The default type is percent.

The icons value parameter can be a value or formula:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:D1',
        type:         'icon_set',
        icon_style:   '4_red_to_black',
        icons:        [ {value: 90},
                          {value: 50},
                          {value: 25}

Note: The icons parameters should start with the highest value and with each subsequent one being lower. The default value is (n * 100) / number_of_icons. The lowest number icon in an icon set has properties defined by Excel. Therefore in a n icon set, there is no n-1 hash of parameters.

The order of the icons can be reversed using the reverse_icons parameter:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:C1',
        type:          'icon_set',
        icon_style:    '3_arrows',
        reverse_icons: 1

The icons can be displayed without the cell value using the icons_only parameter:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:C1',
        type:         'icon_set',
        icon_style:   '3_flags',
        icons_only:   1

Conditional Formatting Examples

Example 1. Highlight cells greater than an integer value.

        type:     'cell',
        criteria: 'greater than',
        value:    5,
        format:   format

Example 2. Highlight cells greater than a value in a reference cell.

        type:     'cell',
        criteria: 'greater than',
        value:    '$H$1',
        format:   format

Example 3. Highlight cells greater than a certain date:

        type:     'date',
        criteria: 'greater than',
        value:    '2011-01-01T',
        format:   format

Example 4. Highlight cells with a date in the last seven days:

        type:     'time_period',
        criteria: 'last 7 days',
        format:   format

Example 5. Highlight cells with strings starting with the letter b:

        type:     'text',
        criteria: 'begins with',
        value:    'b',
        format:   format

Example 6. Highlight cells that are 1 std deviation above the average for the range:

        type:     'average',
        format:   format

Example 7. Highlight duplicate cells in a range:

        type:     'duplicate',
        format:   format

Example 8. Highlight unique cells in a range.

        type:     'unique',
        format:   format

Example 9. Highlight the top 10 cells.

        type:     'top',
        value:    10,
        format:   format

Example 10. Highlight blank cells.

        type:     'blanks',
        format:   format

Example 11. Set traffic light icons in 3 cells:

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:C1',
        type:         'icon_set',
        icon_style:   '3_traffic_lights'

See also the conditional_format.rb example program in EXAMPLES.