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ruby gem for generating XLSX file.

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A new worksheet is created by calling the add_worksheet() method from a workbook object:

worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet
worksheet2 = workbook.add_worksheet

The following methods are available through a new worksheet:


WriteXLSX supports two forms of notation to designate the position of cells: Row-column notation and A1 notation.

Row-column notation uses a zero based index for both row and column while A1 notation uses the standard Excel alphanumeric sequence of column letter and 1-based row.

For example:

(0, 0)      # The top left cell in row-column notation.
('A1')      # The top left cell in A1 notation.

(1999, 29)  # Row-column notation.
('AD2000')  # The same cell in A1 notation.

Row-column notation is useful if you are referring to cells programmatically:

(0..9).each do |i|
    worksheet.write( i, 0, 'Hello' )    # Cells A1 to A10

A1 notation is useful for setting up a worksheet manually and for working with formulas:

worksheet.write('H1', 200)
worksheet.write('H2', '=H1+1')

In formulas and applicable methods you can also use the A:A column notation:

worksheet.write('A1', '=SUM(B:B)')

For simplicity, the parameter lists for the worksheet method calls in the following sections are given in terms of row-column notation. In all cases it is also possible to use A1 notation.

Note: in Excel it is also possible to use a R1C1 notation. This is not supported by WriteXLSX.

write(row, column, token, format)

Excel makes a distinction between data types such as strings, numbers, blanks, formulas and hyperlinks. To simplify the process of writing data the write() method acts as a general alias for several more specific methods:

The general rule is that if the data looks like a something then a something is written. Here are some examples in both row-column and A1 notation:

                                                 # Same as:
worksheet.write(0, 0, 'Hello'                ) # write_string()
worksheet.write(1, 0, 'One'                  ) # write_string()
worksheet.write(2, 0,  2                     ) # write_number()
worksheet.write(3, 0,  3.00001               ) # write_number()
worksheet.write(4, 0,  ""                    ) # write_blank()
worksheet.write(5, 0,  ''                    ) # write_blank()
worksheet.write(6, 0,  nil                   ) # write_blank()
worksheet.write(7, 0                         ) # write_blank()
worksheet.write(8, 0,  '') # write_url()
worksheet.write('A9',  '' ) # write_url()
worksheet.write('A10', 'internal:Sheet1!A1'  ) # write_url()
worksheet.write('A11', 'external:c:\foo.xlsx') # write_url()
worksheet.write('A12', '=A3 + 3*A4'          ) # write_formula()
worksheet.write('A13', '=SIN(PI()/4)'        ) # write_formula()
worksheet.write('A14', \@array               ) # write_row()
worksheet.write('A15', [\@array]             ) # write_col()

# Write an array formula. Not available in WriteExcel gem.
worksheet.write('A19', '{=SUM(A1:B1*A2:B2)}' ) # write_formula()

The “looks like” rule is defined by regular expressions:

write_number() if token is a number based on the following regex: token =~ /^(\[+-\]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d\*(\.\d\*)?(\[Ee\](\[+-\]?\d+))?$/.

write_blank() if token is nil or a blank string: nil, "" or ''.

write_url() if token is a http, https, ftp or mailto URL based on the following regexes: token =~ m|^\[fh\]tt?ps?\://| or token =~ m|^mailto:|.

write_url() if token is an internal or external sheet reference based on the following regex: token =~ \[^(in|ex)ternal:\].

write_formula() if the first character of token is "=".

write_array_formula() if the token matches /^{=.\*}$/.

write_row() if token is an array.

write_col() if token is an array of array.

write_string() if none of the previous conditions apply.

The format parameter is optional. It should be a valid Format object, see CELL FORMATTING

format = workbook.add_format

worksheet.write(4, 0, 'Hello', format )    # Formatted string

The write() method will ignore empty strings or nil tokens unless a format is also supplied. As such you needn’t worry about special handling for empty or nil values in your data. See also the write_blank() method.

The write methods return:

0 for success.
-1 for insufficient number of arguments.
-2 for row or column out of bounds.
-3 for string too long. l #### <a name="write_number" class="anchor" href="#write_number"><span class="octicon octicon-link" /></a>write_number(row, column, number, format = nil)

Write an integer or a float to the cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_number(0, 0, 123456)
worksheet.write_number('A2', 2.3451)

See the note about CELL NOTATION. The format parameter is optional.

In general it is sufficient to use the write() method.

Note: some versions of Excel 2007 do not display the calculated values of formulas written by WriteXLSX. Applying all available Service Packs to Excel should fix this.

write_string(row, column, string, format = nil)

Write a string to the cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_string(0, 0, 'Your text here')
worksheet.write_string('A2', 'or here')

The maximum string size is 32767 characters. However the maximum string segment that Excel can display in a cell is 1000. All 32767 characters can be displayed in the formula bar.

The format parameter is optional.

In general it is sufficient to use the write() method. However, you may sometimes wish to use the write_string() method to write data that looks like a number but that you don’t want treated as a number. For example, zip codes or phone numbers:

# Write as a plain string
worksheet.write_string('A1', '01209')

However, if the user edits this string Excel may convert it back to a number. To get around this you can use the Excel text format @:

# Format as a string. Doesn't change to a number when edited
format1 = workbook.add_format(num_format: '@')
worksheet.write_string('A2', '01209', format1)

See also the note about CELL NOTATION.

write_rich_string(row, column, format, string, …, cell_format = nil)

The write_rich_string() method is used to write strings with multiple formats. For example to write the string “This is bold and this is italic” you would use the following:

bold   = workbook.add_format(bold:   1)
italic = workbook.add_format(italic: 1)

  'This is ', bold, 'bold', ' and this is ', italic, 'italic')

The basic rule is to break the string into fragments and put a format object before the fragment that you want to format. For example:

# Unformatted string.
  'This is an example string'

# Break it into fragments.
  'This is an ', 'example', ' string'

# Add formatting before the fragments you want formatted.
  'This is an ', format, 'example', ' string'

# In WriteXLSX
  'This is an ', format, 'example', ' string')

String fragments that don’t have a format are given a default format. So for example when writing the string “Some bold text” you would use the first example below but it would be equivalent to the second:

# With default formatting:
bold    = workbook.add_format(bold: 1)

    'Some ', bold, 'bold', ' text')

# Or more explicitly:
bold    = workbook.add_format(bold: 1)
default = workbook.add_format

  default, 'Some ', bold, 'bold', default, ' text')

As with Excel, only the font properties of the format such as font name, style, size, underline, color and effects are applied to the string fragments. Other features such as border, background, text wrap and alignment must be applied to the cell.

The write_rich_string() method allows you to do this by using the last argument as a cell format (if it is a format object). The following example centers a rich string in the cell:

bold   = workbook.add_format(bold:  1)
center = workbook.add_format(align: 'center')

  'Some ', bold, 'bold text', ' centered', center)

See the rich_strings.rb example in the distro for more examples.

bold   = workbook.add_format(bold:        1)
italic = workbook.add_format(italic:      1)
red    = workbook.add_format(color:       'red')
blue   = workbook.add_format(color:       'blue')
center = workbook.add_format(align:       'center')
super  = workbook.add_format(font_script: 1)

# Write some strings with multiple formats.
  'This is ', bold, 'bold', ' and this is ', italic, 'italic')

  'This is ', red, 'red', ' and this is ', blue, 'blue')

  'Some ', bold, 'bold text', ' centered', center)

  italic, 'j = k', super, '(n-1)', center)

As with write_sting() the maximum string size is 32767 characters. See also the note about CELL NOTATION.


This method changes the default handling of integers with leading zeros when using the write() method.

The write() method uses regular expressions to determine what type of data to write to an Excel worksheet. If the data looks like a number it writes a number using write_number(). One problem with this approach is that occasionally data looks like a number but you don’t want it treated as a number.

Zip codes and ID numbers, for example, often start with a leading zero. If you write this data as a number then the leading zero(s) will be stripped. This is the also the default behaviour when you enter data manually in Excel.

To get around this you can use one of three options. Write a formatted number, write the number as a string or use the keep_leading_zeros() method to change the default behaviour of write():

# Implicitly write a number, the leading zero is removed: 1209
worksheet.write('A1', '01209')

# Write a zero padded number using a format: 01209
format1 = $workbook.add_format(num_format: '00000')
worksheet.write('A2', '01209', format1)

# Write explicitly as a string: 01209
worksheet.write_string('A3', '01209')

# Write implicitly as a string: 01209
worksheet.write('A4', '01209')

The above code would generate a worksheet that looked like the following:

|   |     A     |     B     |     C     |     D     | ...
| 1 |      1209 |           |           |           | ...
| 2 |     01209 |           |           |           | ...
| 3 | 01209     |           |           |           | ...
| 4 | 01209     |           |           |           | ...

The examples are on different sides of the cells due to the fact that Excel displays strings with a left justification and numbers with a right justification by default. You can change this by using a format to justify the data, see CELL FORMATTING.

It should be noted that if the user edits the data in examples A3 and A4 the strings will revert back to numbers. Again this is Excel’s default behaviour. To avoid this you can use the text format @:

# Format as a string (01209)
format2 = workbook.add_format(num_format: '@')
worksheet.write_string('A5', '01209', format2)

The keep_leading_zeros() property is off by default. The keep_leading_zeros() method takes boolean argument. Default value is true. It defaults to 1 if an argument isn’t specified:

worksheet.keep_leading_zeros        # Set on
worksheet.keep_leading_zeros(true)  # Set on
worksheet.keep_leading_zeros(false) # Set off

write_blank(row, column, format)

Write a blank cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_blank(0, 0, format)

This method is used to add formatting to a cell which doesn’t contain a string or number value.

Excel differentiates between an “Empty” cell and a “Blank” cell. An “Empty” cell is a cell which doesn’t contain data whilst a “Blank” cell is a cell which doesn’t contain data but does contain formatting. Excel stores “Blank” cells but ignores “Empty” cells.

As such, if you write an empty cell without formatting it is ignored:

worksheet.write('A1', nil, format)    # write_blank()
worksheet.write('A2', nil)            # Ignored

This seemingly uninteresting fact means that you can write arrays of data without special treatment for nil or empty string values.

See the note about CELL NOTATION.

write_row(row, column, array, format = nil)

The write_row() method can be used to write a 1D or 2D array of data in one go.

This is useful for converting the results of a database query into an Excel worksheet. The write() method is then called for each element of the data. For example:

array = ['awk', 'gawk', 'mawk']

worksheet.write_row(0, 0, array)

# The above example is equivalent to:
worksheet.write(0, 0, array[0])
worksheet.write(0, 1, array[1])
worksheet.write(0, 2, array[2])

As with all of the write methods the format parameter is optional. If a format is specified it is applied to all the elements of the data array.

You can write 2D arrays of data in one go. For example:

eec =  [
            ['maggie', 'milly', 'molly', 'may'  ],
            [13,       14,      15,      16     ],
            ['shell',  'star',  'crab',  'stone']

worksheet.write_row('A1', @eec)

Would produce a worksheet as follows:

|   |    A    |    B    |    C    |    D    |    E    | ...
| 1 | maggie  | 13      | shell   | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 2 | milly   | 14      | star    | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 3 | molly   | 15      | crab    | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 4 | may     | 16      | stone   | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 5 | ...     | ...     | ...     | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 6 | ...     | ...     | ...     | ...     |  ...    | ...

To write the data in a row-column order refer to the write_col() method below.

Any nil values in the data will be ignored unless a format is applied to the data, in which case a formatted blank cell will be written. In either case the appropriate row or column value will still be incremented.

The write_row() method returns the first error encountered when writing the elements of the data or zero if no errors were encountered. See the return values described for the write() method above.

write_col(row, column, array, format = nil)

The write_col() method can be used to write a 1D or 2D array of data in one go. This is useful for converting the results of a database query into an Excel worksheet. The write() method is then called for each element of the data. For example:

array = ['awk', 'gawk', 'mawk']

worksheet.write_col(0, 0, array)

# The above example is equivalent to:
worksheet.write(0, 0, array[0])
worksheet.write(1, 0, array[1])
worksheet.write(2, 0, array[2])

As with all of the write methods the format parameter is optional. If a format is specified it is applied to all the elements of the data array.

This allows you to write 2D arrays of data in one go. For example:

eec =  [
            ['maggie', 'milly', 'molly', 'may'  ],
            [13,       14,      15,      16     ],
            ['shell',  'star',  'crab',  'stone']

worksheet.write_col('A1', eec)

Would produce a worksheet as follows:

|   |    A    |    B    |    C    |    D    |    E    | ...
| 1 | maggie  | milly   | molly   | may     |  ...    | ...
| 2 | 13      | 14      | 15      | 16      |  ...    | ...
| 3 | shell   | star    | crab    | stone   |  ...    | ...
| 4 | ...     | ...     | ...     | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 5 | ...     | ...     | ...     | ...     |  ...    | ...
| 6 | ...     | ...     | ...     | ...     |  ...    | ...

To write the data in a column-row order refer to the write_row() method above.

Any nil values in the data will be ignored unless a format is applied to the data, in which case a formatted blank cell will be written. In either case the appropriate row or column value will still be incremented.

The write_col() method returns the first error encountered when writing the elements of the data or zero if no errors were encountered. See the return values described for the write() method above.

write_date_time(row, col, date_string, format)

The write_date_time() method can be used to write a date or time to the cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_date_time('A1', '2004-05-13T23:20', date_format)

The date_string should be in the following format:


This conforms to an ISO8601 date but it should be noted that the full range of ISO8601 formats are not supported.

The following variations on the date_string parameter are permitted:

yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss         # Standard format
yyyy-mm-ddT                     # No time
          Thh:mm:ss.sss         # No date
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ        # Additional Z (but not time zones)
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss             # No fractional seconds
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm                # No seconds

Note that the T is required in all cases.

A date should always have a format, otherwise it will appear as a number, see DATES AND TIME IN EXCEL and CELL FORMATTING. Here is a typical example:

date_format = workbook.add_format(num_format: 'mm/dd/yy')
worksheet.write_date_time('A1', '2004-05-13T23:20', date_format)

Valid dates should be in the range 1900-01-01 to 9999-12-31, for the 1900 epoch and 1904-01-01 to 9999-12-31, for the 1904 epoch. As with Excel, dates outside these ranges will be written as a string.

See also the date_time.rb program in the examples directory of the distro.

write_url(row, col, url, format = nil, label = nil)

Write a hyperlink to a URL in the cell specified by row and column. The hyperlink is comprised of two elements: the visible label and the invisible link. The visible label is the same as the link unless an alternative label is specified. The label parameter is optional. The label is written using the write() method. Therefore it is possible to write strings, numbers or formulas as labels.

The format parameter is also optional, however, without a format the link won’t look like a link.

The suggested format is:

format = workbook.add_format(color: 'blue', underline: 1)

Note, this behaviour is different from writeexcel gem which provides a default hyperlink format if one isn’t specified by the user.

There are four web style URI’s supported: http://, https://, ftp:// and mailto::

worksheet.write_url(0, 0, '',       format)
worksheet.write_url('A3', '',      format)
worksheet.write_url('A4', '', format)

You can display an alternative string using the label parameter:

worksheet.write_url(1, 0, '', format, 'Ruby )

If you wish to have some other cell data such as a number or a formula you can overwrite the cell using another call to write_\*():

worksheet.write_url('A1', '')

# Overwrite the URL string with a formula. The cell is still a link.
worksheet.write_formula('A1', '=1+1', format)

There are two local URIs supported: internal: and external:. These are used for hyperlinks to internal worksheet references or external workbook and worksheet references:

worksheet.write_url('A6',  'internal:Sheet2!A1',              format)
worksheet.write_url('A7',  'internal:Sheet2!A1',              format)
worksheet.write_url('A8',  'internal:Sheet2!A1:B2',           format)
worksheet.write_url('A9',  %q{internal:'Sales Data'!A1},      format)
worksheet.write_url('A10', 'external:c:\temp\foo.xlsx',       format)
worksheet.write_url('A11', 'external:c:\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1',  format)
worksheet.write_url('A12', 'external:..\foo.xlsx',            format)
worksheet.write_url('A13', 'external:..\foo.xlsx#Sheet2!A1',  format)
worksheet.write_url('A13', 'external:\\\\NET\share\foo.xlsx', format)

All of the these URI types are recognised by the write() method, see above.

Worksheet references are typically of the form Sheet1!A1. You can also refer to a worksheet range using the standard Excel notation: Sheet1!A1:B2.

In external links the workbook and worksheet name must be separated by the # character: external:Workbook.xlsx#Sheet1!A1'.

You can also link to a named range in the target worksheet. For example say you have a named range called my_name in the workbook c:\temp\foo.xlsx you could link to it as follows:

worksheet.write_url('A14', 'external:c:\temp\foo.xlsx#my_name')

Excel requires that worksheet names containing spaces or non alphanumeric characters are single quoted as follows ‘Sales Data’!A1. If you need to do this in a single quoted string then you can either escape the single quotes \’ or use the quote operator %q{}.

Links to network files are also supported. MS/Novell Network files normally begin with two back slashes as follows \\NETWORK\etc. In order to generate this in a single or double quoted string you will have to escape the backslashes, ‘\\\\NETWORK\etc’.

If you are using double quote strings then you should be careful to escape anything that looks like a metacharacter.

Finally, you can avoid most of these quoting problems by using forward slashes. These are translated internally to backslashes:

worksheet.write_url('A14', "external:c:/temp/foo.xlsx")
worksheet.write_url('A15', 'external://NETWORK/share/foo.xlsx')

Note: WriteXLSX will escape the following characters in URLs as required by Excel: \s " < > \ [ ] backquote ^ { } unless the URL already contains %xx style escapes. In which case it is assumed that the URL was escaped correctly by the user and will by passed directly to Excel.

Versions of Excel prior to Excel 2015 limited hyperlink links and anchor/locations to 255 characters each. Versions after that support urls up to 2079 characters. WriteXLSX versions >= v1.02.0 support the new longer limit by default.

See also, the note about CELL NOTATION.

write_formula(row, column, formula, format = nil, value = nil)

Write a formula or function to the cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_formula(0, 0, '=$B$3 + B4')
worksheet.write_formula(1, 0, '=SIN(PI()/4)')
worksheet.write_formula(2, 0, '=SUM(B1:B5)')
worksheet.write_formula('A4', '=IF(A3>1,"Yes", "No")')
worksheet.write_formula('A5', '=AVERAGE(1, 2, 3, 4)')
worksheet.write_formula('A6', '=DATEVALUE("1-Jan-2001")')

Array formulas are also supported:

worksheet.write_formula('A7', '{=SUM(A1:B1\*A2:B2)}')

See also the write_array_formula() method below.

See the note about CELL NOTATION. For more information about writing Excel formulas see FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS IN EXCEL.

If required, it is also possible to specify the calculated value of the formula. This is occasionally necessary when working with non-Excel applications that don’t calculate the value of the formula. The calculated value is added at the end of the argument list:

worksheet.write('A1', '=2+2', format, 4)

However, this probably isn’t something that you will ever need to do. If you do use this feature then do so with care.

write_array_formula(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, formula, format, value)

Write an array formula to a cell range. In Excel an array formula is a formula that performs a calculation on a set of values. It can return a single value or a range of values.

An array formula is indicated by a pair of braces around the formula: {=SUM(A1:B1\*A2:B2)}. If the array formula returns a single value then the first_ and last_ parameters should be the same:

worksheet.write_array_formula('A1:A1', '{=SUM(B1:C1\*B2:C2)}')

It this case however it is easier to just use the write_formula() or write() methods:

# Same as above but more concise.
worksheet.write('A1', '{=SUM(B1:C1\*B2:C2)}')
worksheet.write_formula('A1', '{=SUM(B1:C1\*B2:C2)}')

For array formulas that return a range of values you must specify the range that the return values will be written to:

worksheet.write_array_formula('A1:A3',    '{=TREND(C1:C3,B1:B3)}')
worksheet.write_array_formula(0, 0, 2, 0, '{=TREND(C1:C3,B1:B3)}')

If required, it is also possible to specify the calculated value of the formula. This is occasionally necessary when working with non-Excel applications that don’t calculate the value of the formula. However, using this parameter only writes a single value to the upper left cell in the result array. For a multi-cell array formula where the results are required, the other result values can be specified by using write_number to write to the appropriate cell:

# Specify the result for a single cell range.
worksheet.write_array_formula('A1:A3', '{=sum(B1::C1*B2:C2)}, format, 2005)
# Specify the results for a multi cell range.
worksheet.write_array_formula('A1:A3', '{=TREND(C1:C3,B1:B3)}', format, 105)
worksheet.write_number('A2', 12, format)
worksheet.write_number('A3', 14, format)

In addition, some early versions of Excel 2007 don’t calculate the values of array formulas when they aren’t supplied. Installing the latest Office Service Pack should fix this issue.

See also the array_formula.rb program in the examples directory of the distro.

Note: Array formulas are not supported by writeexcel gem.

write_boolean(row, col, value, format)

Write an Excel boolean value to the cell specified by row and column:

worksheet.write_boolean('A1', 1             )  # TRUE
worksheet.write_boolean('A2', 0             )  # TRUE
worksheet.write_boolean('A3', false         )  # FALSE
worksheet.write_boolean('A4', nil           )  # FALSE
worksheet.write_boolean('A5', false, format )  # FALSE, with format.

A value that is true or false using Ruby’s rules will be written as an Excel boolean TRUE or FALSE value.

See the note about CELL NOTATION.


Deprecated. This is a writeexcel gem method that is no longer required by WriteXLSX. See below.

repeat_formula(row, col, formula, format)

Deprecated. This is a writeexcel gem method that is no longer required by WriteXLSX.

In writeexcel gem, it was computationally expensive to write formulas since they were parsed by a recursive descent parser. The store_formula() and repeat_formula() methods were used as a way of avoiding the overhead of repeated formulas by reusing a pre-parsed formula.

In WriteXLSX this is no longer necessary since it is just as quick to write a formula as it is to write a string or a number.

The methods remain for backward compatibility but new WriteXLSX programs shouldn’t use them.

write_comment(row, column, string, … )

The write_comment() method is used to add a comment to a cell. A cell comment is indicated in Excel by a small red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of the cell. Moving the cursor over the red triangle will reveal the comment.

The following example shows how to add a comment to a cell:

worksheet.write(        2, 2, 'Hello')
worksheet.write_comment(2, 2, 'This is a comment.')

As usual you can replace the row and column parameters with an A1 cell reference. See the note about CELL NOTATION.

worksheet.write(        'C3', 'Hello')
worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'This is a comment.')

In addition to the basic 3 argument form of write_comment() you can pass in several optional key/value pairs to control the format of the comment. For example:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', visible: 1, author: 'Ruby')

Most of these options are quite specific and in general the default comment behaviour will be all that you need. However, should you need greater control over the format of the cell comment the following options are available:

Option: author

This option is used to indicate who is the author of the cell comment. Excel displays the author of the comment in the status bar at the bottom of the worksheet. This is usually of interest in corporate environments where several people might review and provide comments to a workbook.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Atonement', author: 'Ian McEwan')

The default author for all cell comments can be set using the set_comments_author() method (see below).

Option: visible

This option is used to make a cell comment visible when the worksheet is opened. The default behaviour in Excel is that comments are initially hidden. However, it is also possible in Excel to make individual or all comments visible. In WriteXLSX individual comments can be made visible as follows:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', visible: 1)

It is possible to make all comments in a worksheet visible using the show_comments() worksheet method (see below). Alternatively, if all of the cell comments have been made visible you can hide individual comments:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', visible: 0)
Option: x_scale

This option is used to set the width of the cell comment box as a factor of the default width.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', x_scale: 2)
worksheet.write_comment('C4', 'Hello', x_scale: 4.2)
Option: width

This option is used to set the width of the cell comment box explicitly in pixels.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', width: 200)
Option: y_scale

This option is used to set the height of the cell comment box as a factor of the default height.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', y_scale: 2)
worksheet.write_comment('C4', 'Hello', y_scale: 4.2)
Option: height

This option is used to set the height of the cell comment box explicitly in pixels.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', height: 200)
Option: color

This option is used to set the background colour of cell comment box. You can use one of the named colours recognised by WriteXLSX or a Html style #RRGGBB colour. See [WORKING WITH COLOURS][].

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', color: 'green')
worksheet.write_comment('C4', 'Hello', color: '#FF6600')   # Orange
Option: start_cell

This option is used to set the cell in which the comment will appear. By default Excel displays comments one cell to the right and one cell above the cell to which the comment relates. However, you can change this behaviour if you wish. In the following example the comment which would appear by default in cell D2 is moved to E2.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', start_cell: 'E2')
Option: start_row

This option is used to set the row in which the comment will appear. See the :start_cell option above. The row is zero indexed.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', start_row: 0)
Option: start_col

This option is used to set the column in which the comment will appear. See the :start_cell option above. The column is zero indexed.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', start_col: 4)
Option: x_offset

This option is used to change the x offset, in pixels, of a comment within a cell:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', comment, x_offset: 30)
Option: y_offset

This option is used to change the y offset, in pixels, of a comment within a cell:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', comment, y_offset: 30)
Option: font

This option is used to change the font used in the comment from ‘Tahoma’ which is the default.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', comment, font: 'Calibri')
Option: font_size

This option is used to change the font size used in the comment from 8 which is the default.

worksheet.write_comment('C3', comment, font_size: 20)
Note about using options that adjust the position of the cell comment such as :start_cell, :start_row, :start_col, :x_offset and :y_offset:

Excel only displays offset cell comments when they are displayed as “visible”. Excel does not display hidden cells as moved when you mouse over them.

Note about row height and comments.

If you specify the height of a row that contains a comment then WriteXLSX will adjust the height of the comment to maintain the default or user specified dimensions. However, the height of a row can also be adjusted automatically by Excel if the text wrap property is set or large fonts are used in the cell. This means that the height of the row is unknown to the module at run time and thus the comment box is stretched with the row. Use the set_row() method to specify the row height explicitly and avoid this problem.


The update_range_format_with_params() method is used to update formatting of the cell keeping cell contents and formatting.

If the cell doesn’t have CellData object, this method create a CellData using write_blank method. If the cell has CellData but no Format object, this method fetch contents of cell from the CellData object and recreate CellData using write method. Otherwise this method just update parameters of existing Format object.

worksheet.update_range_format_with_params('B5:B9', additional_format_params)

See also the update_range_format_with_params.rb program in the examples directory of the distro.


This method is used to make all cell comments visible when a worksheet is opened.


Individual comments can be made visible using the visible parameter of the write_comment method (see above):

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', visible: 1)

If all of the cell comments have been made visible you can hide individual comments as follows:

worksheet.write_comment('C3', 'Hello', visible: 0)


This method is used to set the default author of all cell comments.


Individual comment authors can be set using the author parameter of the write_comment method (see above).

The default comment author is an empty string, ‘’, if no author is specified.

insert_image(row, col, filename, options)

This method can be used to insert a image into a worksheet. The image can be in PNG, JPEG or BMP format.

worksheet1.insert_image('A1', 'ruby.bmp')
worksheet2.insert_image('A1', '../images/ruby.bmp')
worksheet3.insert_image('A1', '.c:\images\ruby.bmp')

The options parameter can be used to set various options for the image. The defaults are:

options = {
  x_offset:        0,
  y_offset:        0,
  x_scale:         1,
  y_scale:         1,
  object_position: 2,
  url:             nil,
  tip:             nil,
  description:     filename,
  decorative:      0

The parameters :x_offset and :y_offset can be used to specify an offset from the top left hand corner of the cell specified by row and col. The offset values are in pixels.

worksheet1.insert_image('A1', 'ruby.bmp', x_offset: 32, y_offset: 10)

The offsets can be greater than the width or height of the underlying cell. This can be occasionally useful if you wish to align two or more images relative to the same cell.

The parameters :x_scale and :y_scale can be used to scale the inserted image horizontally and vertically:

# Scale the inserted image: width x 2.0, height x 0.8
worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'ruby.bmp', x_scale: 2, y_scale: 0.8)

The positioning of the image when cells are resized can be set with the :object_position parameter:

worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'ruby.bmp', object_position: 1 )

The object_position parameter can have one of the following allowable values:

1. Move and size with cells.
2. Move but don’t size with cells.
3. Don’t move or size with cells.
4. Same as Option 1, see below.

Option 4 appears in Excel as Option 1. However, the worksheet object is sized to take hidden rows or columns into account. This allows the user to hide an image in a cell, possibly as part of an autofilter.

The :url option can be use to used to add a hyperlink to an image:

worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png',
    url: '')

The supported url formats are the same as those supported by the write_url() method and the same rules/limits apply.

The :tip option can be use to used to add a mouseover tip to the hyperlink:

worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png',
    url: '',
    tip: 'GitHub'

The :description parameter can be used to specify a description or “alt text” string for the image. In general this would be used to provide a text description of the image to help accessibility. It is an optional parameter and defaults to the filename of the image. It can be used as follows:

  'E9', 'logo.png',
  description: "This is some alternative text"

The optional decorative parameter is also used to help accessibility. It is used to mark the image as decorative, and thus uninformative, for automated screen readers. As in Excel, if this parameter is in use the description field isn’t written. It is used as follows:

worksheet.insert_image('E9', 'logo.png', decorative: 1 )

Note: you must call set_row() or set_column() before insert_image() if you wish to change the default dimensions of any of the rows or columns that the image occupies. The height of a row can also change if you use a font that is larger than the default. This in turn will affect the scaling of your image. To avoid this you should explicitly set the height of the row using set_row() if it contains a font size that will change the row height.

BMP images must be 24 bit, true colour, bitmaps. In general it is best to avoid BMP images since they aren’t compressed.

embed_image(row, col, filename, options)

This method can be used to embed an image into a worksheet. The image can be in PNG, JPEG, GIF or BMP format.

worksheet1.embed_image('A1', 'ruby.bmp')
worksheet2.embed_image('A1', '../images/ruby.bmp')
worksheet3.embed_image('A1', 'c:\images\ruby.bmp')

This method can be used to embed a image into a worksheet cell and have the image automatically scale to the width and height of the cell. The X/Y scaling of the image is preserved but the size of the image is adjusted to fit the largest possible width or height depending on the cell dimensions.

This is the equivalent of Excel’s menu option to insert an image using the option to “Place in Cell”. See insert_image() for the equivalent method to “Place over Cells”.

The optional options hash/hashref parameter can be used to set various options for the image. The defaults are:

options = {
  cell_format: format,
  url:         nil,
  tip:         nil,
  description: filename,
  decorative:  0

The cell_format parameters can be an standard Format to set the formatting of the cell behind the image.

The url option can be use to used to add a hyperlink to an image:

worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png',
    { url: '' } )

The supported url formats are the same as those supported by the write_url() method and the same rules/limits apply.

The tip option can be use to used to add a mouseover tip to the hyperlink:

worksheet.insert_image('A1', 'logo.png',
    url: '',
    tip: 'GitHub'

The description parameter can be used to specify a description or “alt text” string for the image. In general this would be used to provide a text description of the image to help accessibility. It is an optional parameter and defaults to the filename of the image. It can be used as follows:

worksheet.insert_image('E9', 'logo.png',
  { description: "This is some alternative text" })

The optional decorative parameter is also used to help accessibility. It is used to mark the image as decorative, and thus uninformative, for automated screen readers. As in Excel, if this parameter is in use the description field isn’t written. It is used as follows:

worksheet.insert_image('E9', 'logo.png', { decorative: 1 } )

Note: you must call set_row() or set_column() before insert_image() if you wish to change the default dimensions of any of the rows or columns that the image occupies. The height of a row can also change if you use a font that is larger than the default. This in turn will affect the scaling of your image. To avoid this you should explicitly set the height of the row using set_row() if it contains a font size that will change the row height.

BMP images must be 24 bit, true colour, bitmaps. In general it is best to avoid BMP images since they aren’t compressed.

insert_chart(row, col, chart, options)

This method can be used to insert a Chart object into a worksheet. The Chart must be created by the add_chart() Workbook method and it must have the embedded option set.

chart = workbook.add_chart(type: 'line', embedded: 1)

# Configure the chart.

# Insert the chart into the a worksheet.
worksheet.insert_chart('E2', chart)

See add_chart() for details on how to create the Chart object and Chart Documentation for details on how to configure it. See also the chart_\*.rb programs in the examples directory of the distro.

The optional options parameter can be used to set various options for the chart. The defaults are:

options = {
  x_offset:         0,
  y_offset:         0,
  x_scale:          1,
  y_scale:          1,
  object_position:  1,
  description:      nil,
  decorative:       0

The parameters :x_offset and :y_offset can be used to specify an offset from the top left hand corner of the cell specified by row and col. The offset values are in pixels.

worksheet1.insert_chart('E2', chart, x_offset: 10, y_offset: 20)

The parameters :x_scale and :y_scale can be used to scale the inserted chart horizontally and vertically:

# Scale the width by 120% and the height by 150%
worksheet.insert_chart('E2', chart, x_scale: 1.2, y_scale: 1.5)

The positioning of the chart when cells are resized can be set with the object_position parameter:

worksheet.insert_chart('E2', chart, object_position: 2 )

The :object_position parameter can have one of the following allowable values:

1. Move and size with cells.
2. Move but don’t size with cells.
3. Don’t move or size with cells.
4. Same as Option 1, see below.

Option 4 appears in Excel as Option 1. However, the worksheet object is sized to take hidden rows or columns into account. This is generally only useful for images and not for charts.

The :description parameter can be used to specify a description or “alt text” string for the chart. In general this would be used to provide a text description of the chart to help accessibility. It is an optional parameter and has no default. It can be used as follows:

worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart, { description: 'Some alternative text' })

The optional :decorative parameter is also used to help accessibility. It is used to mark the chart as decorative, and thus uninformative, for automated screen readers. As in Excel, if this parameter is in use the :description field isn’t written. It is used as follows:

worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart, { decorative: 1 })

insert_shape(row, col, shape, x, y, x_scale, y_scale)

This method can be used to insert a Shape object into a worksheet. The Shape must be created by the add_shape() Workbook method.

shape = workbook.add_shape(name: 'My Shape', type: 'plus')

# Configure the shape.

# Insert the shape into the a worksheet.
worksheet.insert_shape('E2', shape)

See add_shape() for details on how to create the Shape object and Shape for details on how to configure it.

The x, y, x_scale and y_scale parameters are optional.

The parameters x and y can be used to specify an offset from the top left hand corner of the cell specified by row and col. The offset values are in pixels.

worksheet1.insert_shape('E2', chart, 3, 3)

The parameters x_scale and y_scale can be used to scale the inserted shape horizontally and vertically:

# Scale the width by 120% and the height by 150%
worksheet.insert_shape('E2', shape, 0, 0, 1.2, 1.5)

The positioning of the chart when cells are resized can be set with the :object_position parameter:

worksheet.insert_chart('E2', chart, object_position: 2)

The :object_position parameter can have one of the following allowable values:

1. Move and size with cells.
2. Move but don’t size with cells.
3. Don’t move or size with cells.
4. Same as Option 1, see below.

Option 4 appears in Excel as Option 1. However, the worksheet object is sized to take hidden rows or columns into account. This is generally only useful for images and not for charts.

The :description parameter can be used to specify a description or “alt text” string for the chart. In general this would be used to provide a text description of the chart to help accessibility. It is an optional parameter and has no default. It can be used as follows:

worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart, { description: 'Some alternative text' })

The optional :decorative parameter is also used to help accessibility. It is used to mark the chart as decorative, and thus uninformative, for automated screen readers. As in Excel, if this parameter is in use the :description field isn’t written. It is used as follows:

worksheet.insert_chart('E9', chart, { decorative: 1 })

insert_button(row, col, options)

The insert_button() method can be used to insert an Excel form button into a worksheet.

This method is generally only useful when used in conjunction with the Workbook#add_vba_project() method to tie the button to a macro from an embedded VBA project:

workbook  ='file.xlsm')

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro')

The options of the button that can be set are:

Option: macro

This option is used to set the macro that the button will invoke when the user clicks on it. The macro should be included using the Workbook#add_vba_project() method shown above.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro')

The default macro is ButtonX_Click where X is the button number.

Option: caption

This option is used to set the caption on the button. The default is Button X where X is the button number.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', caption: 'Hello')
Option: width

This option is used to set the width of the button in pixels.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', width: 128)

The default button width is 64 pixels which is the width of a default cell.

Option: height

This option is used to set the height of the button in pixels.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', height: 40)

The default button height is 20 pixels which is the height of a default cell.

Option: x_scale

This option is used to set the width of the button as a factor of the default width.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', x_scale: 2.0)
Option: y_scale

This option is used to set the height of the button as a factor of the default height.

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', y_scale: 2.0)
Option: x_offset

This option is used to change the x offset, in pixels, of a button within a cell:

worksheet.insert_button('C2', macro: 'my_macro', x_offset: 2)
Option: y_offset

This option is used to change the y offset, in pixels, of a comment within a cell.

Option: description

The option is used to specify a description or “alt texxt” string for the button.

Note: Button is the only Excel form element that is available in WriteXLSX. Form elements represent a lot of work to implement and the underlying VML syntax isn’t very much fun.


The data_validation() method is used to construct an Excel data validation or to limit the user input to a dropdown list of values.

        validate: 'integer',
        criteria: '>',
        value:    100

        validate: 'list',
        value:    ['open', 'high', 'close']

This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in a separate section DATA VALIDATION IN EXCEL.

See also the data_validate.rb program in the examples directory of the distro


The conditional_formatting() method is used to add formatting to a cell or range of cells based on user defined criteria.

worksheet.conditional_formatting( 'A1:J10',
        type:     'cell',
        criteria: '>=',
        value:    50,
        format:   format1

This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in a separate section CONDITIONAL FORMATTING IN EXCEL.

See also the conditional_format.rb program in the examples directory of the distro


The add_sparkline() worksheet method is used to add sparklines to a cell or a range of cells.

        location: 'F2',
        range:    'Sheet1!A2:E2',
        type:     'column',
        style:    12

This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in a separate section SPARKLINES IN EXCEL.

See also sparklines1.rb and sparklines2.rb example programs in the examples directory of the distro.

Note: Sparklines are a feature of Excel 2010+ only. You can write them to an XLSX file that can be read by Excel 2007 but they won’t be displayed.


The add_table() method is used to group a range of cells into an Excel Table.

worksheet.add_table('B3:F7', { ... } )

This method contains a lot of parameters and is described in detail in a separate section TABLES IN EXCEL.

See also the tables.rb program in the examples directory of the distro


The name() method is used to retrieve the name of a worksheet. For example:

workbook.sheets.each do |sheet|

For reasons related to the design of WriteXLSX and to the internals of Excel there is no set_name() method. The only way to set the worksheet name is via the add_worksheet() method.


The activate() method is used to specify which worksheet is initially visible in a multi-sheet workbook:

worksheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet('To')
worksheet2 = workbook.add_worksheet('the')
worksheet3 = workbook.add_worksheet('wind')


This is similar to the Excel VBA activate method. More than one worksheet can be selected via the select() method, see below, however only one worksheet can be active.

The default active worksheet is the first worksheet.


The select() method is used to indicate that a worksheet is selected in a multi-sheet workbook:


A selected worksheet has its tab highlighted. Selecting worksheets is a way of grouping them together so that, for example, several worksheets could be printed in one go. A worksheet that has been activated via the activate() method will also appear as selected.


The hide() method is used to hide a worksheet:


You may wish to hide a worksheet in order to avoid confusing a user with intermediate data or calculations.

A hidden worksheet can not be activated or selected so this method is mutually exclusive with the activate() and select() methods. In addition, since the first worksheet will default to being the active worksheet, you cannot hide the first worksheet without activating another sheet:



The very_hidden method can be used to hide a worksheet similar to the hide method. The difference is that the worksheet cannot be unhidden in the the Excel user interface. The Excel worksheet “xlSheetVeryHidden” option can only be unset programmatically by VBA.


The activate() method determines which worksheet is initially selected. However, if there are a large number of worksheets the selected worksheet may not appear on the screen. To avoid this you can select which is the leftmost visible worksheet using set_first_sheet():

20.times { workbook.add_worksheet }

worksheet21 = workbook.add_worksheet
worksheet22 = workbook.add_worksheet


This method is not required very often. The default value is the first worksheet.

protect(password, options)

The protect() method is used to protect a worksheet from modification:


The protect() method also has the effect of enabling a cell’s locked and hidden properties if they have been set. A locked cell cannot be edited and this property is on by default for all cells. A hidden cell will display the results of a formula but not the formula itself.

See the protection.rb program in the examples directory of the distro for an illustrative example and the set_locked and set_hidden format methods in CELL FORMATTING.

You can optionally add a password to the worksheet protection:


The password should be an ASCII string. Passing the empty string C<’’> is the same as turning on protection without a password.

Note, the worksheet level password in Excel provides very weak protection. It does not encrypt your data and is very easy to deactivate. Full workbook encryption is not supported by WriteXLSX since it requires a completely different file format and would take several man months to implement.

You can specify which worksheet elements you wish to protect by passing a hash with any or all of the following keys:

# Default shown.
options = {
    objects:               0,
    scenarios:             0,
    format_cells:          0,
    format_columns:        0,
    format_rows:           0,
    insert_columns:        0,
    insert_rows:           0,
    insert_hyperlinks:     0,
    delete_columns:        0,
    delete_rows:           0,
    select_locked_cells:   1,
    sort:                  0,
    autofilter:            0,
    pivot_tables:          0,
    select_unlocked_cells: 1

The default boolean values are shown above. Individual elements can be protected as follows:

worksheet.protect('drowssap', insert_rows: 1)

unprotect_range(cell_range, range_name)

The unprotect_range() method is used to unprotect ranges in a protected worksheet. It can be used to set a single range or multiple ranges:


As in Excel the ranges are given sequential names like Range1 and Range2 but a user defined name can also be specified:

worksheet.unprotect_range('G4:I6', 'MyRange')

set_selection(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col)

This method can be used to specify which cell or cells are selected in a worksheet. The most common requirement is to select a single cell, in which case last_row and last_col can be omitted. The active cell within a selected range is determined by the order in which first and last are specified. It is also possible to specify a cell or a range using A1 notation. See the note about CELL NOTATION.


worksheet1.set_selection(3, 3)          # 1. Cell D4.
worksheet2.set_selection(3, 3, 6, 6)    # 2. Cells D4 to G7.
worksheet3.set_selection(6, 6, 3, 3)    # 3. Cells G7 to D4.
worksheet4.set_selection('D4')          # Same as 1.
worksheet5.set_selection('D4:G7')       # Same as 2.
worksheet6.set_selection('G7:D4')       # Same as 3.

The default cell selections is (0, 0), ‘A1’.

set_top_left_cell(row, col)

This method can be used to set the top leftmost visible cell in the worksheet:

worksheet.set_top_left_cell(31, 26)

# Same as:

You can also use A1 notation, as shown above, see the note about CELL NOTATION.

set_row(row, height, format, hidden, level, collapsed)

This method can be used to change the default properties of a row. All parameters apart from row are optional.

The most common use for this method is to change the height of a row.

worksheet.set_row(0, 20)    # Row 1 height set to 20

Note: the row height is in Excel character units. To set the height in pixels use the set_row_pixels method, see below.

If you wish to set the format without changing the height you can pass nil as the height parameter:

worksheet.set_row(0, nil, format)

The format parameter will be applied to any cells in the row that don’t have a format. For example

worksheet.set_row(0, nil, format1 )     # Set the format for row 1
worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello')          # Defaults to format1
worksheet.write('B1', 'Hello', format2) # Keeps format2

If you wish to define a row format in this way you should call the method before any calls to write(). Calling it afterwards will overwrite any format that was previously specified.

The hidden parameter should be set to 1 if you wish to hide a row. This can be used, for example, to hide intermediary steps in a complicated calculation:

worksheet.set_row(0, 20,  format, 1)
worksheet.set_row(1, nil, nil,    1)

The level parameter is used to set the outline level of the row. Outlines are described in “OUTLINES AND GROUPING IN EXCEL”. Adjacent rows with the same outline level are grouped together into a single outline.

The following example sets an outline level of 1 for rows 2 and 3 (zero-indexed):

worksheet.set_row(1, nil, nil, 0, 1)
worksheet.set_row(2, nil, nil, 0, 1)

The hidden parameter can also be used to hide collapsed outlined rows when used in conjunction with the level parameter.

worksheet.set_row(1, nil, nil, 1, 1)
worksheet.set_row(2, nil, nil, 1, 1)

For collapsed outlines you should also indicate which row has the collapsed + symbol using the optional collapsed parameter.

worksheet.set_row(3, nil, nil, 0, 0, 1)

For a more complete example see the outline.rb and outline_collapsed.rb programs in the examples directory of the distro.

Excel allows up to 7 outline levels. Therefore the level parameter should be in the range 0 <= level <= 7.

set_row_pixels(row, height, format, hidden, level, collapsed)

This method is the same as set_row() except that height is in pixels.

worksheet.set_row       (0, 24)    # Set row height in character units
worksheet.set_row_pixels(1, 18)    # Set row to same height in pixels

set_default_row(height, hide_unused_rows)

The set_default_row() method is used to set the limited number of default row properties allowed by Excel. These are the default height and the option to hide unused rows.

worksheet.set_default_row(24)  # Set the default row height to 24.

The option to hide unused rows is used by Excel as an optimisation so that the user can hide a large number of rows without generating a very large file with an entry for each hidden row.

worksheet.set_default_row(nil, 1)

See the hide_row_col.rb example program.

set_column(first_col, last_col, width, format, hidden, level, collapsed)

This method can be used to change the default properties of a single column or a range of columns. All parameters apart from first_col and last_col are optional.

If set_column() is applied to a single column the value of first_col and last_col should be the same. In the case where last_col is zero it is set to the same value as first_col.

It is also possible, and generally clearer, to specify a column range using the form of A1 notation used for columns. See the note about CELL NOTATION.


worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 20)    # Column  A   width set to 20
worksheet.set_column(1, 3, 30)    # Columns B-D width set to 30
worksheet.set_column('E:E', 20)   # Column  E   width set to 20
worksheet.set_column('F:H', 30)   # Columns F-H width set to 30

The width corresponds to the column width value that is specified in Excel. It is approximately equal to the length of a string in the default font of Calibri 11. To set the width in pixels use the set_column_pixels method, see below.

Unfortunately, there is no way to specify “Autofit” for a column in Excel file format. This feature is only available at runtime from within Excel.

As usual the format parameter is optional, for additional information, see CELL FORMATTING. If you wish to set the format without changing the width you can pass nil as the width parameter:

worksheet.set_column(0, 0, nil, format)

The format parameter will be applied to any cells in the column that don’t have a format. For example

worksheet.set_column('A:A', nil, format1)    # Set format for col 1
worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello')               # Defaults to format1
worksheet.write('A2', 'Hello', format2)      # Keeps format2

If you wish to define a column format in this way you should call the method before any calls to write(). If you call it afterwards it won’t have any effect.

A default row format takes precedence over a default column format

worksheet.set_row(0, nil, format1)           # Set format for row 1
worksheet.set_column('A:A', nil, format2)    # Set format for col 1
worksheet.write('A1', 'Hello')               # Defaults to format1
worksheet.write('A2', 'Hello')               # Defaults to format2

The hidden parameter should be set to 1 if you wish to hide a column. This can be used, for example, to hide intermediary steps in a complicated calculation:

worksheet.set_column('D:D', 20,  format, 1)
worksheet.set_column('E:E', nil, nil,    1)

The level parameter is used to set the outline level of the column. Outlines are described in “OUTLINES AND GROUPING IN EXCEL”. Adjacent columns with the same outline level are grouped together into a single outline.

The following example sets an outline level of 1 for columns B to G:

worksheet.set_column('B:G', nil, nil, 0, 1)

The hidden parameter can also be used to hide collapsed outlined columns when used in conjunction with the level parameter.

worksheet.set_column('B:G', nil, nil, 1, 1)

For collapsed outlines you should also indicate which row has the collapsed + symbol using the optional collapsed parameter.

worksheet.set_column('H:H', nil, nil, 0, 0, 1)

For a more complete example see the outline.rb and outline_collapsed.rb programs in the examples directory of the distro.

Excel allows up to 7 outline levels. Therefore the level parameter should be in the range 0 <= level <= 7.

set_column_pixels(first_col, last_col, width, format, hidden, level, collapsed)

This method is the same as set_column() except that width is in pixels.

worksheet.set_column(0, 0, 10)    # Column A width set to 20 in character units
worksheet.set_column(1, 1, 75)    # Column B set to the same width in pixels

outline_settings(visible, symbols_below, symbols_right, auto_style)

The outline_settings() method is used to control the appearance of outlines in Excel. Outlines are described in “OUTLINES AND GROUPING IN EXCEL”.

The visible parameter is used to control whether or not outlines are visible. Setting this parameter to 0 will cause all outlines on the worksheet to be hidden. They can be unhidden in Excel by means of the “Show Outline Symbols” command button. The default setting is 1 for visible outlines.


The symbols_below parameter is used to control whether the row outline symbol will appear above or below the outline level bar. The default setting is 1 for symbols to appear below the outline level bar.

The symbols_right parameter is used to control whether the column outline symbol will appear to the left or the right of the outline level bar. The default setting is 1 for symbols to appear to the right of the outline level bar.

The auto_style parameter is used to control whether the automatic outline generator in Excel uses automatic styles when creating an outline. This has no effect on a file generated by WriteXLSX but it does have an effect on how the worksheet behaves after it is created. The default setting is 0 for “Automatic Styles” to be turned off.

The default settings for all of these parameters correspond to Excel’s default parameters.

The worksheet parameters controlled by outline_settings() are rarely used.

freeze_panes(row, col, top_row, left_col)

This method can be used to divide a worksheet into horizontal or vertical regions known as panes and to also “freeze” these panes so that the splitter bars are not visible. This is the same as the Window->Freeze Panes menu command in Excel

The parameters row and col are used to specify the location of the split. It should be noted that the split is specified at the top or left of a cell and that the method uses zero based indexing. Therefore to freeze the first row of a worksheet it is necessary to specify the split at row 2 (which is 1 as the zero-based index). This might lead you to think that you are using a 1 based index but this is not the case.

You can set one of the row and col parameters as zero if you do not want either a vertical or horizontal split.


worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 0)    # Freeze the first row
worksheet.freeze_panes('A2')    # Same using A1 notation
worksheet.freeze_panes(0, 1)    # Freeze the first column
worksheet.freeze_panes('B1')    # Same using A1 notation
worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 2)    # Freeze first row and first 2 columns
worksheet.freeze_panes('C2')    # Same using A1 notation

The parameters top_row and left_col are optional. They are used to specify the top-most or left-most visible row or column in the scrolling region of the panes. For example to freeze the first row and to have the scrolling region begin at row twenty:

worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 0, 20, 0)

You cannot use A1 notation for the top_row and left_col parameters.

See also the panes.rb program in the examples directory of the distribution.

split_panes(y, x, top_row, left_col)

This method can be used to divide a worksheet into horizontal or vertical regions known as panes. This method is different from the freeze_panes() method in that the splits between the panes will be visible to the user and each pane will have its own scroll bars.

The parameters y and x are used to specify the vertical and horizontal position of the split. The units for y and x are the same as those used by Excel to specify row height and column width. However, the vertical and horizontal units are different from each other. Therefore you must specify the y and x parameters in terms of the row heights and column widths that you have set or the default values which are 15 for a row and 8.43 for a column.

You can set one of the y and x parameters as zero if you do not want either a vertical or horizontal split. The parameters top_row and left_col are optional. They are used to specify the top-most or left-most visible row or column in the bottom-right pane.


worksheet.split_panes(15, 0,  )    # First row
worksheet.split_panes(0,  8.43)    # First column
worksheet.split_panes(15, 8.43)    # First row and column

You cannot use A1 notation with this method.

See also the freeze_panes() method and the panes.rb program in the examples directory of the distribution.

merge_range(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, token, format)

The merge_range() method allows you to merge cells that contain other types of alignment in addition to the merging:

format = workbook.add_format(
    border: 6,
    valign: 'vcenter',
    align:  'center'

worksheet.merge_range('B3:D4', 'Vertical and horizontal', format)

merge_range() writes its token argument using the worksheet write() method. Therefore it will handle numbers, strings, formulas or urls as required. If you need to specify the required write_\*() method use the merge_range_type() method, see below.

The full possibilities of this method are shown in the merge3.rb to merge6.rb programs in the examples directory of the distribution.

merge_range_type(type, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, … )

The merge_range() method, see above, uses write() to insert the required data into to a merged range. However, there may be times where this isn’t what you require so as an alternative the merge_range_type() method allows you to specify the type of data you wish to write. For example:

worksheet.merge_range_type('number',  'B2:C2', 123,    format1)
worksheet.merge_range_type('string',  'B4:C4', 'foo',  format2)
worksheet.merge_range_type('formula', 'B6:C6', '=1+2', format3)

The type must be one of the following, which corresponds to a write_\*() method:


Any arguments after the range should be whatever the appropriate method accepts:

worksheet.merge_range_type('rich_string', 'B8:C8',
                              'This is ', bold, 'bold', format4)

Note, you must always pass a format object as an argument, even if it is a default format.


Set the worksheet zoom factor in the range 10 <= scale <= 400:


The default zoom factor is 100. You cannot zoom to “Selection” because it is calculated by Excel at run-time.

Note, set_zoom() does not affect the scale of the printed page. For that you should use set_print_scale().


The right_to_left() method is used to change the default direction of the worksheet from left-to-right, with the A1 cell in the top left, to right-to-left, with the A1 cell in the top right.


This is useful when creating Arabic, Hebrew or other near or far eastern worksheets that use right-to-left as the default direction.


The hide_zero() method is used to hide any zero values that appear in cells.


In Excel this option is found under Tools->Options->View.


The set_tab_color() method is used to change the colour of the worksheet tab. You can use one of the standard colour names provided by the Format object or a Html style #RRGGBB colour. See COLOURS IN EXCEL and the set_custom_color() method.


See the tab_colors.rb program in the examples directory of the distro.

autofilter(first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col)

This method allows an autofilter to be added to a worksheet. An autofilter is a way of adding drop down lists to the headers of a 2D range of worksheet data. This allows users to filter the data based on simple criteria so that some data is shown and some is hidden.

To add an autofilter to a worksheet:

worksheet.autofilter(0, 0, 10, 3)
worksheet.autofilter('A1:D11')    # Same as above in A1 notation.

Filter conditions can be applied using the filter_column() or filter_column_list() method.

See the autofilter.rb program in the examples directory of the distro for a more detailed example.

filter_column(column, expression)

The filter_column method can be used to filter columns in a autofilter range based on simple conditions.

NOTE: It isn’t sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don’t match the filter condition. Rows are hidden using the set_row() visible parameter. WriteXLSX cannot do this automatically since it isn’t part of the file format. See the autofilter.rb program in the examples directory of the distro for an example.

The conditions for the filter are specified using simple expressions:

worksheet.filter_column('A', 'x > 2000')
worksheet.filter_column('B', 'x > 2000 and x < 5000')

The column parameter can either be a zero indexed column number or a string column name.

The following operators are available:

Operator        Synonyms
   ==           =   eq  =~
   !=           <>  ne  !=

   and          &&
   or           ||

The operator synonyms are just syntactic sugar to make you more comfortable using the expressions. It is important to remember that the expressions will be interpreted by Excel and not by ruby.

An expression can comprise a single statement or two statements separated by the and and or operators. For example:

'x <  2000'
'x >  2000'
'x == 2000'
'x >  2000 and x <  5000'
'x == 2000 or  x == 5000'

Filtering of blank or non-blank data can be achieved by using a value of Blanks or NonBlanks in the expression:

'x == Blanks'
'x == NonBlanks'

Excel also allows some simple string matching operations:

'x =~ b*'   # begins with b
'x !~ b*'   # doesn't begin with b
'x =~ *b'   # ends with b
'x !~ *b'   # doesn't end with b
'x =~ *b*'  # contains b
'x !~ *b*'  # doesn't contains b

You can also use * to match any character or number and ? to match any single character or number. No other regular expression quantifier is supported by Excel’s filters. Excel’s regular expression characters can be escaped using ~.

The placeholder variable x in the above examples can be replaced by any simple string. The actual placeholder name is ignored internally so the following are all equivalent:

'x     < 2000'
'col   < 2000'
'Price < 2000'

Also, note that a filter condition can only be applied to a column in a range specified by the autofilter() Worksheet method.

See the autofilter.rb program in the examples directory of the distro for a more detailed example.

Note writeexcel gem supports Top 10 style filters. These aren’t currently supported by WriteXLSX but may be added later.

filter_column_list(column, matches)

Prior to Excel 2007 it was only possible to have either 1 or 2 filter conditions such as the ones shown above in the filter_column method.

Excel 2007 introduced a new list style filter where it is possible to specify 1 or more ‘or’ style criteria. For example if your column contained data for the first six months the initial data would be displayed as all selected as shown on the left. Then if you selected ‘March’, ‘April’ and ‘May’ they would be displayed as shown on the right.

No criteria selected      Some criteria selected.

[/] (Select all)          [X] (Select all)
[/] January               [ ] January
[/] February              [ ] February
[/] March                 [/] March
[/] April                 [/] April
[/] May                   [/] May
[/] June                  [ ] June

The filter_column_list() method can be used to represent these types of filters:

worksheet.filter_column_list('A', 'March', 'April', 'May')

The column parameter can either be a zero indexed column number or a string column name.

One or more criteria can be selected:

worksheet.filter_column_list(0, 'March')
worksheet.filter_column_list(1, 100, 110, 120, 130)

NOTE: It isn’t sufficient to just specify the filter condition. You must also hide any rows that don’t match the filter condition. Rows are hidden using the set_row() visible parameter. WriteXLSX cannot do this automatically since it isn’t part of the file format. See the autofilter.rb program in the examples directory of the distro for an example.


The convert_date_time() method is used internally by the write_date_time() method to convert date strings to a number that represents an Excel date and time.

It is exposed as a public method for utility purposes.

The date_string format is detailed in the write_date_time() method.


The ignore_errors() method can be used to ignore various worksheet cell errors/warnings. For example the following code writes a string that looks like a number:

worksheet.write_string('D2', '123')

This causes Excel to display a small green triangle in the top left hand corner of the cell to indicate an error/warning.

Sometimes these warnings are useful indicators that there is an issue in the spreadsheet but sometimes it is preferable to turn them off. Warnings can be turned off at the Excel level for all workbooks and worksheets by using the using “Excel options -> Formulas -> Error checking rules”. Alternatively you can turn them off for individual cells in a worksheet, or ranges of cells, using the ignore_errors() method with a hashref of options and ranges like this:

worksheet.ignore_errors(number_stored_as_text: 'A1:H50')

# Or for more than one option:
worksheet.ignore_errors(number_stored_as_text: 'A1:H50',
                        eval_error:            'A1:H50')

The range can be a single cell, a range of cells, or multiple cells and ranges separated by spaces:

# Single cell.
worksheet.ignore_errors(eval_error: 'C6')

# Or a single range:
worksheet.ignore_errors(eval_error: 'C6:G8')

# Or multiple cells and ranges:
worksheet.ignore_errors(eval_error: 'C6 E6 G1:G20 J2:J6')

Note: calling ignore_errors multiple times will overwrite the previous settings.

You can turn off warnings for an entire column by specifying the range from the first cell in the column to the last cell in the column:

worksheet.ignore_errors(number_stored_as_text: 'A1:A1048576')

Or for the entire worksheet by specifying the range from the first cell in the worksheet to the last cell in the worksheet:

worksheet.ignore_errors(number_stored_as_text: 'A1:XFD1048576')

The worksheet errors/warnings that can be ignored are: